What do we know about the Coronavirus?
There are many different strains of coronavirus, which can cause a wide range of illnesses in humans: from mild common colds to deadly respiratory tract illnesses – Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
Each coronavirus strain causes very different diseases, and severity of symptoms. Some diseases caused by members of the coronavirus family may cause their hosts to have mild symptoms that make them feel unwell but given time make a full recovery, such as the coronavirus strain that causes the common cold in humans. However, the current global pandemic disease, COVID-19, affecting humans was identified as the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, and has subsequently proven to be a deadly and devastating pathogen which has mutated into a number of forms, since it was first identified.

Whilst vaccines are now available to help protect the human population against SARS-CoV-2, and its emerging variants e.g. Delta and Omicron, other adopted infection control procedures should be retained. These procedures consist of wearing a facemask when in a crowded environment, frequently sanitising our hands and cleaning and disinfecting surfaces etc.
Just like antibiotics, antivirals and other medicines proven to treat specific diseases, disinfectants also have to be tested against a representative virus strain that is known to cause a specific disease, to ensure they can effectively and rapidly kill the pathogen of concern.
Disinfectants with similar chemistry can have widely different performance when it comes to efficacy and kill power against viral disease-causing pathogens. Therefore, selecting the correct disinfectant with a solid dataset against coronavirus is critical to help prevent the spread and transmission of this deadly disease.
Rely+On® Virkon® broad spectrum disinfectant, from LANXESS, is based on sustainable KMPS oxidative chemistry and has been independently proven to kill the SARS-CoV-2 strain of coronavirus, in just 60 seconds.
* not for use on medical equipment.
Virkosan® Sanitising Hand Gel

Virkosan® has been tested and complies with:
- EN 1500 (bacteria): Hygienic treatment of friction hands for medical applications.
- EN 14476 (enveloped and non-enveloped viruses, Poliovirus, Adenovirus & Murine Norovirus, including an additional study on human coronavirus 229E): Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Quantitive suspension test for the evaluation of enveloped virucidal activity in the medical area.
- EN 13727 (bacteria): Hygienic hand rub disinfection.
- EN 13624 (yeast): Hygienic hand rub disinfection.
*120 seconds poliovirus
Frequently Asked Questions
Virkon® S does have proven efficacy against ‘animal origin’ Coronaviruses however we would only recommend using Rely+On® Virkon® against SARS-CoV-2. Virkon® S should not be used within Human Health facilities or on medical equipment or devices.
Both LANXESS Rely+On® Virkon® & Virkon® S are scientifically formulated disinfectants containing the same active ingredient but, they have different efficacy datasets (against disease-causing pathogens) specifically targeted for use in two distinct disease prevention and control market segments.
Rely+On® Virkon® has been developed specifically for use in the Human Health market sector and, as such, has been tested and proven effective against disease-causing pathogens of specific concern to human health. It is used for the disinfection and decontamination of hard surfaces, floors, walls, doors and door handles, furniture, cabinets, centrifuges and pipette discard jars etc. in: Medical Facilities (Hospitals and Doctors Surgeries), Pathology and Biosafety Containment Laboratories, Treatment Salons, Residential Homes and Public Areas.
Virkon® S, however, was developed specifically for the animal health, livestock and poultry production market segments where ‘real-farm’ conditions such as the environmental challenges of high organic loading, varying temperatures and weather conditions can have a direct effect on a disinfectants performance.
Virkon® S does have proven efficacy against ‘animal origin’ Coronaviruses however we would only recommend using Rely+On® Virkon® against SARS-CoV-2. Virkon® S should not be used within Human Health facilities or on medical equipment or devices.
For detailed product and use information for Virkon® S broad spectrum virucidal disinfectant please visit www.virkon.com, email biosecurity@lanxess.com or phone +44 (0)1787 377305.
For detailed product and use information for Virkon® S broad spectrum virucidal disinfectant please visit www.virkon.com, email biosecurity@lanxess.com or phone +44 (0)1787 377305.
The efficacy testing was undertaken by Microbac Laboratories, Inc. in the USA, in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) compliant test methods, for products intended for virucidal hard surface disinfection, under high soiling conditions.
Rely+On® Virkon® achieved rapid and complete inactivation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus at a dilution ratio of 1:100 in just 60 seconds.