개인정보 처리방침

LANXESS is aware of how important it is for you that your privacy is protected whenever you visit one of the company’s websites. We take the protection of your personal data extremely seriously. We therefore wish to inform you about what data we store, when we do so, and how we use this data. With this in mind, we would like to use this Privacy Policy to make you aware of our data protection measures.

1. Collection of Data

You can always use our online presentation without disclosing your personal data.  Whenever our website is accessed, the following data is stored for backup and optimization purposes:

  • IP address
  • Date and time of the request
  • Time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • Content of the request (specific page)
  • Access status/HTTP status code
  • The amount of data transferred per request
  • Website from which the request originates
  • Browser
  • Operating system and its interface
  • Language and version of the browser software

Although this data could potentially enable identification, it is not used to identify individuals. While it may be used for statistical purposes, individual users remain anonymous. Where data is passed on to external service providers, we ensure that data protection regulations are observed by means of appropriate agreements with such external service providers, as well as by means of technical and organizational measures.

2. Collection and Processing of Personal Data

Personal data will only be collected if you voluntarily provide us with this data, such as when registering for something, filling in forms, sending e-mails, ordering products and services, making inquiries, or requesting material.

We will only use the personal data collected from you to provide you with the desired products or services, or for other purposes for which you have given your consent, unless otherwise required by law. Here, too, insofar as data is passed on to external service providers, we have ensured through contractual principles, as well as technical and organizational measures, that the data protection regulations are observed.

a) Use of Contact Forms
LANXESS offers you the opportunity to contact us directly using the contact forms provided. You can provide the following information for this purpose:

  • Title
  • First and last name(s)
  • E-mail
  • Company
  • Website
  • Phone number
  • Street address
  • Country, state, zip code, town/city
  • Message

This data is processed on the basis of Article 6 paragraph 1 lit. b DSGVO, if your request is related to the performance of a contract or is necessary for the implementation of pre-contractual measures. In all other cases, the processing is based on our legitimate interest in the effective processing of the inquiries addressed to us (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO) or with your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO) if this has been requested.

b) Use of Information Portals
Following registration, LANXESS offers you the option of getting in touch with us via one of the company’s information portals, such as in order to access product information. You can provide the following information in this regard:

  • Username
  • Title
  • Last name(s)
  • First name(s)
  • Company
  • Department
  • Town/city
  • Country
  • E-mail
  • Phone number

This data is processed on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b DSGVO if your request is related to the performance of a contract or is necessary for the implementation of pre-contractual measures. In all other cases, the processing is based on our legitimate interest in the effective processing of the inquiries addressed to us (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO) or with your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO) if this has been requested.

c) Use of 
LANXESS offers you the option of subscribing to a variety of newsletters. For this purpose, we will collect and use the e-mail address provided by you during registration in accordance with the prior consent you have granted (Art. 6 [1] of the General Data Protection Regulation).

To enable further personalization of the newsletter, you also have the option of providing us with the following information:

  • Title
  • First and last name(s)
  • Medium
  • Department
  • Country
  • Language

We use the so-called double opt-in procedure to register for our newsletter. This means that after your registration, we will send you an e-mail to the given e-mail address in which we will ask you to confirm that you wish to receive the newsletter. In addition, we save the IP addresses you use and the dates of registration and confirmation. The purpose of the procedure is to prove your registration and, if necessary, to clarify any possible misuse of your personal data.

You can revoke your consent to receive the newsletter at any time and unsubscribe from the newsletter. You can withdraw your consent by clicking on the link provided in each newsletter e-mail or by sending a message to the contact details given in the imprint.


CleverReach uses this website to send newsletters. The provider is CleverReach GmbH & Co. KG, Mühlenstr. 43, 26180 Rastede, Germany. CleverReach is a service with which the newsletter dispatch can be organized and analyzed. The data you enter for the purpose of receiving the newsletter (e.g. e-mail address) is stored on CleverReach's servers in Germany and Ireland.

Our newsletters sent with CleverReach enable us to analyze the behavior of newsletter recipients. Among other things, it can be analyzed how many recipients have opened the newsletter message and how often which link was clicked in the newsletter. Conversion tracking can also be used to analyze whether a predefined action (e.g. purchase of a product on this website) has taken place after clicking on the link in the newsletter. Further information on data analysis through the CleverReach newsletter can be found at: https://www.cleverreach.com/en/features/reporting-tracking/.

Data processing is based on your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO). You can revoke this consent at any time by unsubscribing from the newsletter. The legality of the data processing operations that have already taken place remains unaffected by the revocation.

If you do not want an analysis by CleverReach, you must unsubscribe from the newsletter. For this purpose, we provide a corresponding link in every newsletter message. You can also unsubscribe directly on the website.

The data you provide to us for the purpose of subscribing to the newsletter will be stored, by us, until you unsubscribe from the newsletter or the newsletter service provider and deleted from the newsletter distribution list after you cancel the newsletter. Data stored by us for other purposes will remain unaffected by this.

After you unsubscribe from the newsletter distribution list, your e-mail address may be stored by us or the newsletter service provider in a blacklist to prevent future mailings. The data from the blacklist will only be used for this purpose and will not be merged with other data. This serves both your interest and our interest in complying with the legal requirements when sending newsletters (legitimate interest in the sense of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f DSGVO). The storage of the blacklist is not limited in time.

For further details, please refer to the CleverReach data protection provisions at: https://www.cleverreach.com/en/privacy-policy/

Microsoft Dynamics 

We use the marketing system "Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing" of the provider Microsoft Corporation ( Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Walter-Gropius-Straße 5, 80807 Munich, Germany) - hereinafter referred to as "Microsoft" - to carry out marketing campaigns, for analytical purposes and to address customers and potential customers.

We use the system in particular for sending e-mail communications (e.g. newsletters).

The use of the provider Microsoft and the system, the performance of statistical surveys and analyses as well as the logging of the registration procedure for e-mail communication, are based on your consent to e-mail communication via Microsoft Dynamics. We are interested in providing a user-friendly and secure system that serves our business interests and meets the expectations of our users.

The statistical data collection includes (among other things) determining whether the newsletters are accessed, when they are accessed and which links are clicked. Although this information can technically be assigned to the individual newsletter recipients, an analysis of personal data is excluded and information about newsletter recipients is only evaluated pseudonymously and cannot be decrypted and assigned to individual persons.

Registration for our newsletter takes place in a so-called double opt-in procedure. This means that after registration, the user receives an e-mail in which he or she is asked to confirm the registration. The registrations for the newsletter are logged in order to be able to prove the registration process in accordance with the legal requirements. This includes the saving of the time of registration and confirmation, as well as the IP address. Changes to the user data stored with the dispatch service provider are also logged.

The recipient of our newsletter can unsubscribe at any time, i.e. withdraw his or her consent. The user will find a link to unsubscribe from the newsletter at the end of each newsletter. The corresponding data will be deleted from the newsletter distribution list after the newsletter has been unsubscribed. Data stored by us for other purposes remains unaffected by this.

Users can find further information on data protection in the Microsoft data protection declaration at: https://privacy.microsoft.com/de-de/privacystatement

d) Use of Chat Functions
In addition, LANXESS uses the live chat software from the company CafeX, for the purpose of personal communication with LXS employees in the form of a real-time chat. Cookies are used to make this possible. The information generated by the cookies (e-mail address and name) about your use of the live chat is transferred to a CafeX server in the USA and stored there. CafeX observes the data protection regulations of the US-EU Privacy Shield Agreement. Further information can be found in the privacy policy of  compliance.cafex.com/en/

e) Inquiry by E-Mail, Telephone or Fax
If you contact us by e-mail, telephone or fax, your request including all personal data (name, request) will be stored and processed by us for the purpose of processing your request. We do not pass on this data without your consent.

This data is processed on the basis of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b DSGVO if your request is related to the performance of a contract or is necessary for the implementation of pre-contractual measures. In all other cases, the processing is based on your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO) and/or on our legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO), as we have a legitimate interest in the effective processing of the enquiries addressed to us.

The data you send us via contact requests will remain with us until you request deletion, revoke your consent to storage or the purpose for data storage no longer applies (e.g. after your request has been processed). Mandatory statutory provisions - in particular statutory retention periods - remain unaffected.

f) Registration on this Website
You can register on this website to use additional features on the site. We use the data entered for this purpose only for the purpose of using the respective offer or service for which you have registered. The mandatory information requested during registration must be provided in full. Otherwise, we will refuse the registration. 

In the case of important changes, for example in the scope of our services or in the case of technically necessary changes, we will use the e-mail address provided during registration to inform you in this way.

The processing of the data entered during registration is carried out for the purpose of implementing the user relationship established by the registration and, if necessary, for initiating further contracts (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b DSGVO).

The data collected during registration will be stored by us as long as you are registered on this website and will subsequently be deleted. Legal retention periods remain unaffected.

3. Use of Cookies

So-called cookies are used in some areas of the website in order to be able to make our services available to you more individually. Cookies are identifiers that a web server can send to your computer in order to identify it for the duration of your visit. Most browsers are set so that they automatically accept cookies. Cookies, which are necessary for the electronic communication process or for the provision of certain functions requested by you (e.g. product search), are stored on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO. LANXESS has a legitimate interest in the storage of cookies for the technically error-free and optimized provision of its services. If a corresponding consent has been requested (e.g. consent to the storage of cookies), the processing is carried out exclusively on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO; the consent can be revoked at any time.

The following types of cookies are used, with their scope and functions explained below:

  • Transient cookies (see “a”)
  • Persistent cookies (see “b”)

a) Transient cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser. These are mainly session cookies. These store a “session ID,” which is used to assign various requests submitted by your browser to a single session. As a result, your computer can be recognized when you return to our website. Session cookies are deleted when you log out or close your browser.

b) Persistent cookies are automatically deleted after a set period, which varies from cookie to cookie. You can delete cookies at any time using the security settings of your browser.

You can configure your browser settings as desired and, for example, decline third-party cookies or all cookies. Please note that you may then be unable to use all functions of this website.

LANXESS usescookies to identify you on recurring visits if you hold an account with us. Otherwise, you will need to log in again on each visit.