OXONE™ PS-16 Monopersulfate Comp

  • Available in three grades: PS-16 grade (OxoneTM PS-16 Monopersulfate Compound), MPS CMP grade (OxoneTM Monopersulfate Compound) and Coarse grade (OxoneTM PS-16 CG Monopersulfate Compound)
  • Pentapotassium bis(peroxymonosulphate) bis(sulphate)
  • OxoneTM PS-16 Monopersulfate Compound is used as an active ingredient in disinfectant formulations (not registered as a biocide in USA), and as an oxidizing agent in other formulations, such as pool & spa non-chlorine shock oxidizers, denture cleansers and laundry bleaches. The grade is also used as a wet strength resin paper repulping aid, metal surface treatment agent, selective oxidizer in chemical synthesis, wool shrinkproofing treatment, waste water treatment and odour control agent.



Waste water treatment

Chemical synthesis

rendering plants

Odor control agent

Odor control agent

Waste water treatment agent

Denture cleanser bleach additive

Disinfection of drinking water

Animal Hygiene

Professional Disinfection

Pool & Spa

Pool & Spa Shock Oxidizer


Laundry Bleach Ingredient

Pulp and paper recycling

Pulp & paper repulping aid

Personal Care


Water Treatment

Selective oxidizer in chemical synthesis

Metal surface treatment

Wool treatment

Surface Treatment (elektronic industrie)

Potassium peroxymonosulfate

