Supplier Enablement
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LANXESS is digitizing the end-to-end source-to-order process, using the SAP ARIBA cloud-based platform.
The ARIBA Network will be the preferred method for purchase order-based transactions with LANXESS and will provide suppliers a platform to manage their catalogs. Transacting electronically on the ARIBA Network will soon be a standard part of doing business with LANXESS.
The ARIBA Network allows our strategic suppliers to move away from paper-based and manually transmitted purchase orders and order confirmations associated with our future buying platforms ARIBA Buying and SAP S/4.
The first step of this process began with you receiving the invitation, called a Project Notification Letter (PNL).
ARIBA Network
- Connects people, systems, and processes between companies to simplify business commerce
- For immediate collaboration with all trading partners on an easy-to-use platform
- Turns paper into electronic transactions and increases order accuracy
- Allows you to catch errors and correct them - before they even happen - by reduction in manual intervention
Catalogs on ARIBA Network
Catalog Benefits
- Improve purchase order accuracy
- Accelerate responsiveness to customers
- Encourage compliance to procurement processes
- Enhance cash flow
- Provides a simple, consumer-like buying experience for users
Catalog Options
- Static catalogs in CIF, Excel or BMECat format
- Punchout catalog: Level 1 & 2 (users shop at your store and return items to their shopping cart, based on requirements)
- Catalog Enablement Experts from ARIBA will reach out to you with further details and support you.
How enablement with ARIBA works
Enablement is the migration process that invite suppliers go through to transition to the ARIBA Network by following these steps:
Data Exchange
Data Exchange encompasses: Catalog Management, RfX, Supplier registration & Qualification Requests, Order confirmations and Service Entry Sheets, Optional end-to-end integration and Purchase Orders.
In addition:
- Suppliers with an Enterprise Account will receive Purchase Orders via ARIBA Network and optionally via e-mail
- Suppliers with a Standard Account will receive an e-mail with the order document and a reference link to the order in ARIBA Network
- Suppliers without any account will receive the Purchase order document with the invitation to sign up to ARIBA Network. “Guidelines for new suppliers” will be attached.
- Suppliers with a different EDI connection will continue to receive Purchase orders via the existing connection.
Help Center
Contact ARIBA for any technical issues and questions regarding ARIBA Network like …
- ARIBA account functionality questions
- Managing and invoicing Purchase Orders
- Questions about definitions of order/invoice statuses
- Configuring email notifications
- Account login issues
- Account administrator is no longer at your company
- Forgotten username and passwords
- Detailed ARIBA functionality questions
- Advanced functions of Enterprise accounts
- Enterprise account fees
- Pricing structure of fees
ARIBA is also the right contact for questions of this kind:
- Catalog updated & approval
- PO failures
- PO not showing in ARIBA
- PO never received
- PO has incorrect information
- Tax amount is incorrect
- Invalid remittance ID/information
- Invalid ship-to address
Learn About
There are two options for setting up an account on the ARIBA Network:
- Enterprise: This option is for high transaction volume, high financial volume suppliers with typically over 75 invoices transacted per year. Suppliers will start out with a no cost subscription and pay fees only when their e-commerce business has grown to a certain level. To determine the fee structure and compare costs, go to ARIBA's supplier page and select Calculate the Value. Fees are paid directly to ARIBA.
- Standard: This option is for low transaction volume and low financial volume suppliers. There are no fees for a light account.
AN is a tool offered by ARIBA to allow Trading Partners to receive POs and send invoices electronically.
The AN is used by many other companies so it is not a Buyer specific tool. Suppliers have many options for communicating with the ARIBA Network. Using the AN minimizes invoice discrepancies by confirming invoice data upfront. ARIBA Network (AN) is a scalable network infrastructure that member organizations can use to efficiently transact business with their trading partners.
ARIBA Network offers suppliers a broad range of solutions and services to manage business transactions and content through a web browser, or electronically through cXML. Being part of the ARIBA Network positions suppliers to attract further business from existing and new customers.
Suppliers will not be charged if: They fall below either 5 transactions or transactions totalling £34,250.
Suppliers will be charged if: They receive 5 or more transactions (Purchase Orders and/or Invoices) totalling £34,250 or more annually.
For more information about ARIBA’s Supplier Membership program, access the supplier membership website at: www.ARIBA.com/suppliermembership.
By registering with ARIBA Network, suppliers make available their company profile information to other customers of the AN.
This information enables buying organizations to conduct transactions with suppliers through the ARIBA Network. Additionally, prospective buyers use this information to initiate new business relationships.
Protected account information, such as Tax ID and account settings, is not shared. Suppliers do not have access to account information of other suppliers.