LEWATIT® MonoPlus M 800 KR
Lewatit® MonoPlus M800 KR is a strongly basic, premium grade, gel-type anion exchange resin with beads of uniform size (monodisperse), in highly regenerated and purified form to meet nuclear industry specifications.
Lewatit® nuclear resins (Lewatit® KR) are noted for their outstanding mechanical and chemical stability and their high osmotic stability.
Because of their excellent hydrodynamic properties, Lewatit® KR resins allow particulary high flow rates. The extremely high monodispersity and very low fines content result in particularly low pressure losses compared with standard resins.
Used in radioactive water circuits, they provide a number of special tasks and guarantee a water quality that fully complies with the requirements of the nuclear power industry.

Product Type
Ion Exchange Resin
condensate polishing
Nuclear engeneering
Water treamtent in nuclear power plants