LEWATIT® MonoPlus S 215 KR
Lewatit® MonoPlus S 215 KR is a highly crosslinked, strongly acidic, premium grade, gel-type cation exchange resin with beads of uniform size (monodisperse), in highly regenerated form (min. 99 % H+) and purified (extremely low content of desorbable chloride ions) to meet nuclear industry specifications.
Lewatit® nuclear resins (Lewatit® KR) are known for their outstanding mechanical, chemical and osmotic stabilities.
Because of their excellent hydrodynamic properties, Lewatit® KR resins allow particularly high flow rates. The extremely high monodispersity (uniformity cofficient: max. 1.1) and very low fines content of max. 0.1 % (< 0.315 mm) result in particularly low pressure losses compared with standard resins.
Used in radioactive water circuits, they provide a number of special tasks and guarantee a water quality that fully complies with the requirement of the nuclear power industry.
Lewatit® MonoPlus S 215 KR has got a high capacity combined with an excellent purity due to an extremely low release of TOC. Therefore, the risk of a possible anion fouling caused by a leaching of polystyrene sulfonic acid (PSS) is distinctly lower (improved long term anion kinetics), both in mixed bed or downstream single filter applications, specially when treating condensates.
Lewatit® MonoPlus S 215 KR is very suitable for:
- the treatment of primary coolant, e.g. in pressure water reactors
- the polishing in the primary loop as a single or mixed bed component with Lewatit® MonoPlus M 800 KR
- the removal of cations, including radioactive isotopes, from aqueous solutions (pH control by the adsorption of excessive Li-7
- the decontamination of circuits in nuclear reactor plants
- the removal of radioactive cations such as caesium-137 (fuel cooling)
- the removal of activated cleavage or corrosion products, including the mechanical filtration of suspended impurities
- the polishing of condensate in fossil-fueled power plants or secondary loops in nuclear power plants as a single or cation component in mixed bed filters with Lewatit® MonoPlus M 800 or Lewatit® MonoPlus M 800 OH
Rinse carefully with demineralized water prior to service or mixing with Lewatit® MonoPlus M 800 OH or Lewatit® MonoPlus MP 800 KR.

Product Type
Ion Exchange Resin
condensate polishing
Nuclear engeneering
Water treamtent in nuclear power plants