Specialty Paper and Packaging
Fungal spores are ubiquitous in the environment and also present in paper and cardboard. They remain dormant until they find favorable growth conditions. Once they get in contact with water, spores start to germinate and develop into fungi, using the nutrients present in paper and cardboard such as cellulose and starch.
Microbial contamination of paper leads to an unaesthetic presentation of the paper product , such as dark spots, discoloration and even moldy odor. In addition to that, some types of fungi can cause human health issues, including respiratory infection and allergies.
Fungicides prevent mold development and protect the packaging during its whole life span. Products from our brands Intace® and Preventol® can be used...
- ...to protect the paper itself
- ... for paper additives (in-can preservation)
- ... against slime build up in the paper machine & equipment
LANXESS customers can choose from a broad range of fungicidal substances to protect paper and cardboard for special paper and packaging applications.
Technical Services
Application know-how is one of our core competencies. We consider technical service as an integral part of our portfolio, and our paper and chemical engineers are available for on-site assistance.
Our formulations are specially designed for paper application. Fungicide and biocide formulations are applied on paper machines (e.g. size-press), printing presses or laminators. Our fungicides are fixed to the paper surface by adding them to a binder such as PVOH*, starch, water – based varnish, latex, CMC** or others.
We provide quantitative and qualitative laboratory services, including
- Identification of main fungi present on paper or board
- by microscopic analysis
- by biomolecular analysis
- Efficacy check of fungicide treatment according to:
- International standards (Tappi 487-99, AFNOR NF 41-517, ASTM G 21, ..)
- Customized methods matched to specific applications and environmental conditions.
- Analytical quantification of fungicides in the paper or board
*PVOH = Polyvinyl alcohol
** CMC = Carboxymethylcellulose
Product overview Specialty Paper & Packaging
Product Name | Active Ingredient |
Intace® B-6773 |
DIMTS + Chlorothalonil |
Metasol® TK 100 | Thiabendazole |
Metasol® TK 25 A.D. | Thiabendazole |
Preventol® TZ |
Thiabendazole + Zinc Pyritione |