Glut sticker from MPP used for Genuine Glut distinction

Genuine Glutaraldehyde

The LANXESS Genuine Glutaraldehyde sticker confirms that Glutaraldehyde products bearing a LANXESS label shipped from our manufacturing facility in Institute, West Virginia will be clearly marked as “LANXESS Genuine Glutaraldehyde”. LANXESS has elected to restart this identification program at this time to make it easier for customers to differentiate high quality LANXESS products from counterfeit, lower grade glutaraldehyde materials that have recently become more widely available.

Counterfeit products can be difficult to detect with standard quality tests and often contain a lower concentration of active ingredient and/or altered pH, both of which diminish the product’s microbial control performance. However, it is not uncommon to also find adulterants such as formaldehyde and/or glyoxal are present at detectable levels. (Neither formaldehyde or glyoxal can be produced as a natural part of the glutaraldehyde manufacturing process AND both present elevated health risks for handlers).

These findings have been well documented via multiple sample studies performed by LANXESS technology team on competitors’ products taken from 40+ separate locations across 14 countries.

Genuine Glutaraldehyde is the quality product of choice in order to optimize performance and minimize costs that can easily result when less effective counterfeit materials are substituted in an attempt to achieve microbial control.

When compared to cheap, counterfeit glutaraldehyde-like products LANXESS Genuine Glutaraldehyde offers

  • Same level of Microbial Control with half the amount of product = lower cost to achieved desired level of control
  • Stable amount of active ingredient over time = higher level and predictability of microbial control efficacy
  • Stable pH = longer, more predictable shelf life
  • Colorless characteristic

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Listen to the World Oil Deep Dive Podcast with Dr. Kenneth Wunch (Head of Technical Applications) talking about his article “Biocide guide: Protecting reservoirs and maximizing oil field production.”

or watch the TED video: What we can learn from the microbes in oil fields, where microbe detective Geert van der Kraan shares how we can transform microbial problems in oil fields into solutions

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