roller coaster in front of a blue background, attraction in the amusement park

Urethane Systems

Your partner for customized polyurethane systems
Our Business Unit Urethane Systems is one of the world's leading manufacturers in the polyurethane industry. Polyurethanes are versatile plastics or synthetic resins that have a certain hardness and can replace rubber or even metal. They are used in almost all industries, including the construction industry, metal processing, the paint and coatings industry, but also for tires and wheels.

Our focus is on low-free prepolymers. They have a particularly low content of free diisocyanate. The legal regulations regarding the concentration of free diisocyanates are becoming increasingly strict and difficult to meet. With our low-free polyurethane prepolymers, end products are placed in lower risk classes and classified as non-toxic.

LANXESS is the inventor and first commercial supplier of these prepolymers with less than 0.1 percent free diisocyanate. Today we have the largest offering of products across the most common aromatic and aliphatic diisocyanate types.

Our Business Unit in numbers

Hero Brands

  • Adiprene®
  • Vibrathane®
  • Witcobond®
  • Trixene®

Adiprene® and Vibrathane®

Polyurethane prepolymers are sold under the brand names Adiprene® and Vibrathane®. They are used, for example, for roller coaster wheels. Due to the high mechanical loads, the material must be durable and must show only low abrasion. At the same time, however, it must be UV-resistant and resistant to chemicals.

Witcobond® and Trixene®

Our Witcobond® and Trixene® products are used as resins, crosslinkers and adhesion promoters for coatings ranging from plastics to vehicle paints and textiles.

Witcobond® are aqueous polyurethane dispersions used as functional coatings in textile and leather production, for example. They extend the life of leather goods by protecting them against abrasion and environmental influences. 

Trixene® can be incorporated into adhesives for wood flooring and corrosion protection coatings, among other things. They increase their elasticity to bond different materials permanently and prevent cracking. Trixene® are also used as crosslinkers for glass coatings, giving the glass the necessary hardness and scratch resistance. 


Your advantage

With 60 years of experience in the polyurethane industry and an innovation center in Naugatuck, Connecticut, in the USA, we offer highly specialized know-how and innovative solutions as well as a broad product range. Close cooperation with our customers is a key factor for successful product development. 
We are available to our customers worldwide. We operate production facilities and development centers in all major economic regions, including the USA, China, Brazil, Italy and Great Britain.


More information


LANXESSinside Rollercoaster


Adiprene® polyurethane prepolymers give roller coaster wheels strength and durability.
LANXESSinside golf ball


Polyurethane prepolymers of the Adiprene® brand can be used for the inner layer of golf balls.
LANXESSinside endurance test on wheelsWheels for roller sports


Adiprene® polyurethane prepolymers are used for inline skate wheels.



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Goran Zarkov

Head of Sales NORAM

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