Zinc containing additive package for EP greases, light coloured, low odour, outstanding EP properties, excellent rust protection even under severe conditions , high flashpoint

    Additin® RC 9502 is combination of specialized sulfur extreme pressure components of low odor, corrosion and wear inhibitors.
The recommended treatment level is approx. 2-6 % by weight. Additin® RC 9502 is optimized for use in soap greases, complex soap greases, polyurea greases and pastes. Additin® RC 9502 does not contain lead, barium and antimony compounds.
    Due to the balanced combination of EP-, AW-, CI-,and AO-Additives in Additin® RC 9502 there is no need to use additional performance additives for the production of high performance EP greases. The low odor offers a significant advantage for handling and use in open systems.

  • provision of high EP performance in Four-Ball-Test and Timken-Test
  • good corrosion protection in EMCOR Test even against synthetic sea water
  • suitable for formulation of wheel bearing and chassis greases (GC-LB) provided a suitable base grease
  • suitable for formulation of NLGI HPM greases provided a suitable base grease

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High performance additives

Mineral oil and lubricant


Lubricant Additives Business

ADDITIN® Products