Jhagadia Site
A greenfield investment of LANXESS, the site in Jhagadia is one of the large production sites of the company in India. It is located within the Jhagadia Chemical Park in Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC).
LANXESS has invested over EUR 70 million (approx. INR 500 cr) at the site between 2008 and 2013 and has created around 330 new jobs.
This includes:
- Relocation and upgradation of the Rubber Chemicals plant
- Opening of the Ion Exchange Resins plant
- Relocation of the assets of the plants for polymer bound rubber chemicals and release agents from Rhein Chemie and the plant for Material Protection Products from Madurai to Jhagadia
The utility services at the site are:
- Effluents treatment plant
- Off-gas incinerator
- Sewage treatment plant
- Occupational health centre
The site in Jhagadia is a key manufacturing base for LANXESS globally and has been built to world class standards. The production facilities as well as the utility services at the site ensure safe and environmentally responsible operations. Given our global expertise, the site’s locational advantage and infrastructure and the Indian chemical industry’s positive outlook for business, the site serves as a perfect hub to supply our customers not only in the rapidly-growing local market but also in the Asia-Pacific region.
Before setting up the manufacturing site at Jhagadia, LANXESS experts carried out value engineering right at the concept stage. This made it clear that the company is focused on optimal use of natural resources, ensuring minimum impact on the environment and complete safety of our people. All this has been incorporated into the operational and investment strategy of the site.
The site can lay claim to some significant features as below:
- 20 percent of total building costs were spent in sustainability projects.
- Effluent treatment plant: It treats the waste water from the site before being discharged in the disposal system.
- Sewage treatment plant: It treats the domestic effluents from the site as well as neighbouring colonies. The recovered water is used for cooling tower makeup and gardening.
- Cogeneration plant: It generates power and steam for use by production facilities and is fuelled by natural gas. It saves emissions of around 31,000 tons of CO2 equivalents per year. Significant premium paid for Solo-NOX model in order to reduce harmful nitrogenous gas emissions and to recover the heat that further helps in reducing carbon footprint.
- Off-gas Incinerator: Off-gas (VOC) from the production units and bulk storage units is collected and incinerated thereby reducing environmental footprint. Steam is generated using the heat recovered from flue gas, which is then used for production.
- Occupational Heath Centre: Modern full-fledged facility equipped to handle all medical emergencies. Manned 24*7 under supervision of qualified medical officers and nurses.
- Green zone: From 2009 onwards, LANXESS India has been making continuous efforts in creating 'Green Zone' at its site. The company aims to plant around 7000 trees in and around the site, of which more than 3500 trees have already been planted.
LANXESS' Liquid Purification Technologies (LPT) facility manufactures Lewatit® for industrial water treatment, for the semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries, for food production and for power generation. There is a growing demand for clean water due to a booming population and the trend towards urbanization in India. Lewatit® is seen as an innovator and a key driver in the development of new and efficient high-performance ion exchange resins. Lewatit® comes wrapped in a convincing package: it is an all-embracing solution concept consisting of the product itself plus full technical support.
Applications: Products are used in fields such as water treatment, energy generation, microelectronics, and the drinking water and food processing industries.
Rhein Chemie Additives
LANXESS Rhein Chemie Additives Divisions plant manufactures Rhenogran® and Rhenodiv®.
The Rhenogran® brand covers predispersed, polymer-bound rubber chemicals and additives in the form of granules. Rhenogran® boasts excellent dispersion properties. Our EPDM/EVA standard binder system is designed to allow complete dispersion in the rubber compound after just a short mixing time. A number of specialty products have application-specific elastomer binders. Rhenogran® makes it possible to manufacture components that comply with the toughest technical demands and narrow tolerances that are now commonplace in the automotive and mechanical engineering industries. Rhenogran® has set new standards in terms of occupational safety. Thanks to the polymer-bound form in which it is supplied, full protection is not required, even for critical substances. In addition to this, much less cleaning is needed at the weighing stage and in the mixing room. Substances classified as hazardous in their pure form normally have a more favorable classification when combined with Rhenogran®. Consequently, using Rhenogran® helps cut production and handling costs. Release agents are required in the processing of crude rubber to produce vulcanizates because if rubber compounds stick together and to the mold, a smooth, automated process becomes impossible.
Rhein Chemie Additives offers rubber processors targeted solutions with its Rhenodiv® brand. The Rhenodiv® portfolio is primarily aimed at tire manufacturers. Rhein Chemie Additives offers a wide range of products, including environmentally compatible aqueous inside and outside tire paints, bladder coatings and mold release agents. These are complemented by compound release agents in powder and liquid form for all rubber compounds used in tires.
Applications: Products are used as rubber additives and also used in tire industry.
Material Protection Products
LANXESS Material Protection Products will facility manufactures Preventol®: Active ingredients and formulations for in-can preservation, disinfectants and wood preservatives. The Material Protection business unit offers a wide range of biocidal active ingredients and preservatives. In addition to these high-quality products, this division provides objective and effective advice, registration management as well as research and development.
Applications: Products are ussed in paints and coatings industry.
The CSR activities carried out at Jhagadia so far are:
Chemistry Kit Donation:
As a part of its commitment towards education and its support towards science education at elementary school level, LANXESS donated chemistry kits to four schools namely, Kapalsadi school, Fulwadi school, St. Xaviers School and Dewan Dhanjishah High School and College, located near LANXESS site in Jhagadia.
Each of these chemistry kit consists of an experiment case, a box with additional equipment and instruction manuals. The manuals have description and instructions for conducting ten different experiments based on water solubility. The working materials and experiments are adapted to the needs, knowledge, and abilities of primary school-age children. These kits, being portable, are convenient for schools which do not have science rooms or laboratories.
World Environment Day:
June 2014: At the site in Jhagadia, LANXESS organized a drawing competition for students from Kapalsadi Municipal school located near the site. The theme for the competition was ‘How can we save the environment?’ The students were given drawing kits for this competition, which included a plastic pouch, pastel colors, pencil, scale and eraser. LANXESS also took this opportunity to explain the importance of environment protection to the students. The students were also given lessons about the different ways in which they can save water, trees and keep their surroundings clean.
June 2012: 1900 saplings were planted in and around the site on the World Environment day. In addition, LANXESS also planted 100 saplings in the compound of Jhagadia GIDC police station.
Support the neighboring schools:
LANXESS has supported two government schools - Prathmik Mishrashala, Fulwadi and Prathmik Shala, Kapalsadi located near its site in Jhagadia with infrastructural requirements as well as essential items for students. LANXESS built a concrete courtyard and painted the classrooms. The teaching and studying materials provided were slate, slate pen, notebook, pens, pencils, sketch pen, drawing book, crayons, sports articles, cloth bags and green writing boards and notice boards for the classrooms.
Sewa Rural:
LANXESS has contributed a sum of Rs. 10 lakhs to Sewa Rural, a voluntary development organization involved in health and development activities in rural tribal areas. The contribution was made in favour of Vivekananda Gramin Tekniki Kendra for equipping and strengthening amenities in the campus and supporting services for students. The project entails installation of solar street lights and solar cooker system, building the water harvesting and drainage systems and making the water lagoon facility more effective and accessories for overhead tank and pipelines.
On 3rd June 2011 LANXESS celebrate World Environment Day at Vivekananda Gramin Tekniki Kendra (VGTK) vocational training centre of Sewa Rural. The Sewa Rural team showed the visitors the installed solar lights, solar cooker and also informed that developing of rain water harvesting will be possible only after the monsoon breaks in July. After campus visit, LANXESS Jhagadia management, Sewa Rural management, students and S M Vaijnapurkar, Deputy Environment Engineer at Gujarat Pollution Control Board joined for the tree plantation at the VGTK premises. LANXESS contributed plants such as Neem tree, Badam tree, Gulmohar, Paras Pipada and Garmaro to Sewa Rural. Around fifteen saplings were planted at their site.
The students of Sewa Rural also participated in making ‘best out of waste’ competition with zest and wore green bands which added to the spree of the celebration.
Kanya Kelavani Nidhi:
As a part of child welfare and education program, LANXESS India has also supported the girls’ education initiative by the government of Gujarat, namely Kanya Kelavani Nidhi with a sum of Rs. 10 lakhs. Kanya kelavani is now a movement in Gujarat addressing the cause in totality. The initiative from the level of the Chief Minister has moved the hearts of the society and state administration alike. The mood in Gujarat is to set new records; in the area of education in general and girl-child education in particular.
Industrial Training Institute (ITI):
In 2008, LANXESS India supported Industrial Training Institute (ITI) in Jhagadia on the Child Welfare and Educational Project. For the project, LANXESS India has donated Rs. 1,20,000 to the institute to sponsor the education of 89 students for a year. In 2009 LANXESS India sponsorsed which included one year of educational training, students’ fee for the training program and the purchase of engineering toolkits required for the curriculum.
LANXESS announced to relocate the rubber chemicals production from Thane to Jhagadia.
January 2009
LANXESS India signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Gujarat state government. The investment to create about 225 new jobs.
April 2009
On the occasion of World Earth Day, LANXESS announced the creation of a Green Zone at its Jhagadia site in Gujarat, India.
March 2010
LANXESS completed the first phase of construction of its new site and starts the production of the rubber chemicals plant, as planned, after being relocated from Thane, Maharashtra.
December 2010
LANXESS opened Asia’s state-of-the-art plant for ion exchange resins, which boasts an annual capacity of 35,000 metric tons.
January 2011
On January 12, 2011, Dr. Rainier van Roessel, Member of Board of Management, LANXESS AG, Dr. Joerg Strassburger- Country representative and Managing Director, LANXESS India and Dr. D.G. Talekar- Executive Director and Site Head - Jhagadia, LANXESS India signed an MOU with local officials for the high-tech plastics investment at ‘Vibrant Gujarat’ summit held in Gandhinagar. On January 13, 2011, LANXESS breaks ground for new compounding facilities. These facilities started producing high-tech plastics Durethan and Pocan in the beginning of 2012.
January 2012
On January 10, 2012, LANXESS inaugurated two new production facilities at Jhagadia site. These production facilities belonged to Rhein Chemie and Material Protection Products business units.
May 2013
Liquid Purification Technologies plant at Jhagadia achieved ‘1000 days without Lost Time Injury’.
1000 containers dispatched from Jhagadia site.
October 2014
BU Material Protection Products / Rhein Chemie plant at Jhagadia site achieved ‘1000 days without Lost Time Injury’.
The Rubber Chemicals plant at Jhagadia site achieved record production. This month’s production volumes were 728 Metric tonnes, which is the highest since its operations began in March 2010.
Contractor welfare facility inaugurated at the Jhagadia site.
July 2015
Multi-Fuel Boiler commissioned at Jhagadia site. The erstwhile Natural gas based cogeneration facility was replaced with a multi-fuel steam generation facility. The facility has been designed to run both by coal and biomass. This facility will not only help sustain the captive steam generation for the production facilities but will also improve the profitability of the site by bringing down the cost of steam as compared to the one run by natural gas.
July 2015
BU Advanced Industrial Intermediates plant at Jhagadia site achieved ‘2000 days without lost time injury’.
January 2015
BU High Performance Materials plant at Jhagadia site achieved ‘1000 days without lost time injury’.
December 2015
BU Liquid Purification Technologies celebrated the 5th anniversary of its ion exchange resins production facility at Jhagadia. The plant has a rated annual capacity of 35,000 metric tons. LANXESS had invested around EUR 50 million in the plant.
October 2016
BU LPT inaugurated Amine Z & DETA Distillation Column at the Jhagadia site.
January 2017
BU High Performance Materials completed 5 years of operations at Jhagadia site.
September 2018
Transportation Management Center inaugurated at Jhagadia site. LANXESS India partnered with Austrian multinational company Hubert Ebner, regarded as pioneers in road safety, to run the TMC for the Jhagadia site.
January 2019
LANXESS expanded Rhenogran production at Jhagadia site. Business Unit Rhein Chemie inaugurated a new production line in the existing production plant at Jhagadia on 15th January, 2019.
December 2020
Business units Liquid Purification Technologies and Advanced Industrial Intermediates’ Business line Antioxidants and Accelerators (AXX) celebrated their 10th anniversary at the Jhagadia site.
January 2020
The entire Jhagadia site shall be switched to renewable energy sources. Together with the colleagues on site, the team around MEx head Ralf Krüger developed ideas for decreasing costs and increasing productivity.
February 2022
LANXESS India celebrated the 10th anniversary of successful operations for three of its Business Units - Material Protection Products, Rhein Chemie (BL SRP) and High Performance Materials at its Jhagadia manufacturing site in Gujarat.
January 2023
2,000 workdays without Lost Time Injury for BU Liquid Purification Technologies at Jhagadia site.
March 2023
LANXESS expanded Rhenodiv® production at Jhagadia site. Laid the foundation stone for Business Unit Rhein Chemie’s new and upcoming production line for Rhenodiv® - New Technology Release agents at the Jhagadia site.
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Jhagadia site
Plot Nos: 748/2/A, 748/3, 748/4/A, 748/4/B
GIDC, Jhagadia Industrial Estate,
District - Bharuch,
Gujarat - 393 110