Corporate Culture

Actively shaping the future and mastering challenges such as increasing complexity, digitization and constant change: this is what we at LANXESS see as the task of progressive human resources management. "Our values" and our "Formula X" are the pillars of our Performance Culture.

Our Values

At LANXESS, our success is determined by the personal commitment and performance of each individual employee. Our goal is to sustainably increase the value of the company - and to make meaningful contributions to our customers, employees, stockholders and the public.

In order to achieve these goals, we align our actions within the company with the five essential values of our Performance Culture: Respect, ownership, trust, professionalism and integrity. This leads to a corporate culture in which responsible and morally impeccable action and the pursuit of performance are not contradictions, but complement each other harmoniously.



Our Formula X

In order to make these values livable for all employees and managers in everyday working life, we have translated them into a set of guiding principles. Our "Formula X" consists of the core elements “Seek solutions”, “Take ownership”, “Keep it simple”, “Act as a team”, and “Think new, act fast”. Those principles serve as guidance for every LANXESS employee. Ultimately, these values and principles contribute to a lively, open corporate culture.

At LANXESS, diversity stands for an enriching mix of different nationalities, cultures and life experiences. This diversity allows LANXESS topics to be viewed from varying viewpoints, while continuously developing our employees professionally and personally. Diversity makes LANXESS more open, innovative and competitive – both as a company and as an employer.

Valuing individual employees and their unique perspectives increases motivation, facilitates innovation and promotes agility. Since launching the Management Board initiative "Diversity & Inclusion" in 2011, diversity has been an integral part of the LANXESS global management training, and is embedded within the organization.