Landing Gear Fluid

Royco® LGF is a mineral oil based hydraulic fluid designed specifically for use in aircraft landing gear systems, shock struts and other fluid dampening systems. Modern additive technology for greatly improved lubricity and extreme pressure anti-wear performance is used to provide the performance levels required by today's aircraft. Royco® LGF consists of hydraulic fluid conforming to MIL-PRF-5606 plus other additives to improve landing gear performance. Royco® LGF is completely compatible with oils meeting MIL-PRF-5606. Royco® LGF was specifically developed to improve "slip stiction" and to alleviate "ladder cracking" in landing gear struts due to sudden and severe shock load encountered during landing. Qualified to Boeing specification BMS 3-32 (Type II).

  • wide operating temperature range
  • excellent low temperature properties
  • exceptional anti-wear performance
  • excellent oxidation and corrosion resistance

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Landing Gear Fluid

Mineral Oil Base

Lubricant Additives Business