Responsible Care
LANXESS accepts a responsible role in caring for the environment and emphatically supports the Responsible Care® initiative. The LANXESS management board gave its seal of approval by signing the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) Responsible Care® Global Charter. With its focus on issues such as health & safety regarding the use of chemical products, the spread of relevant information and improved transparency in the industry, the Charter is now taking on challenges which now go far beyond the original Responsible Care® manifest. They compell us to strive for greater openness and an improved public dialog.
By applying the principles of the Responsible Care® Charter, we are contributing our share to solving the world’s major challenges by continually improving our efforts to protect the environment, improve health, and ensure safety and a good quality of life for everyone. After all, we at LANXESS are convinced that only sustainable developments and responsible actions can guarantee a successful future for chemistry.