Odor control
Many industries experience odor issues resulting from their waste water and/or ineffective odor scrubbing systems.
Worker safety, odor complaints, stricter waste water discharge and air emissions limits are all drivers towards an effective chemistry for odor control.
Oxone™ chemistry is very effective in controlling noxious, irritating and pungent odors, including complex odor mixtures. The oxidative chemistry of Oxone™ provides a powerful, selective, kinetically-efficient, and irreversible oxidation of odorous compounds.
Oxone™ is chlorine-free and does not require any chemical activation. Therefore it is safer both in use and storage. Oxone™ is soluble in water and chemically stable up to 30 days in solution (depending on storage conditions).
Oxone™ chemistry can be applied in the following versatile ways:
- Powder dosing, for direct application.
- Preparation of a concentrated solution, for automated / continuous dosing / use in wet scrubbers.
The high redox potential and fast reaction kinetics of Oxone™ allow it to rapidly react with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including:
- hydrogen sulfide
- organic sulfides
- disulfides
- mercaptans
- organic amines
- quinolines
- aldehydes
- ketones
- synthetic fragrances
Oxone™ solutions react with a wide range of organic and inorganic odorous compounds over a broad pH range. Oxone™ provides reliable odor control even when incoming odor constituents and concentrations vary greatly.
Oxone™ chemistry can help to eliminate odors from a variety of industries & applications, including:
- breweries
- chemical plants
- food processing
- home & personal care industry
- industrial & municipal waste water treatment plants
- landscape water
- meat rendering
- oil and gas refineries
- pulp and paper mills
- textile mills
Oxone™ solution acts as an oxidizing agent to reduce VOC and odor emissions from single and multi-stage wet scrubbers typically found in rendering processing plants. The Oxone™ product is effective over a very broad pH range and typically requires no caustic or acid addition to the scrubber. Oxone™ chemistry can help break down the greasy film build-up on the scrubber packing reducing scrubber maintenance.
The high redox potential and high water solubility of Oxone™ is ideal in hot summer months when odor producing VOCs are at their peak.