Stock Programs
Employee stock program
Due to the challenging economic situation, LANXESS has not offered a stock program to employees since 2021. The latest program provided employees in Germany with the opportunity to purchase company shares at a discounted price. The price per share was calculated based on the stock market price minus a 30 percent discount. This discount was financed by LANXESS.
- Publication employee stock 2021(PDF, 310 KB)
- Completion employee stock 2021(PDF, 73 KB)
- September 16, 2021: Overview of underlying individual trades(PDF, 86 KB)
- September 17, 2021: Overview of underlying individual trades (PDF, 83.4 KB)
- September 20, 2021: Overview of underlying individual trades(PDF, 83.1 KB)
Date | Total number of repurchased shares (number) | Weighted average price (EUR) | Aggregated volume (EUR) |
16 Sep 2021 | 30,000 | 65.1683 | 1,955,049 |
17 Sep 2021 | 30,000 | 63.5580 | 1,906,740 |
20 Sep 2021 | 27,832 | 60.9360 | 1,695,971 |
Total | 87,832 | 63.2772 | 5,557,760 |
Stock Plan for managerial staff
LANXESS employs a fair remuneration policy that is linked to the long-term success of the company and offers employees worldwide a transparent and market-oriented compensation system.
LANXESS offers a long-term incentive program for managers in Germany and a similar program in the United States, Canada, India and China.
The stock-based LTSP is based on the performance of LANXESS stock against a reference index, currently the FTSEurofirst 300 Eurozone Chemicals Index, which was used for the first time as a basis for the LTSP 2022–2025 established in 2022. The FTSEurofirst 300 Eurozone Chemicals Index currently provides the best reflection of the LANXESS Group’s economic environment. The LTSP 2018–2021 used the MSCI World Chemicals Index as a reference index. The LTSP 2018–2021 in place until 2021 and the LTSP 2022–2025 in place since 2022 are both divided into four tranches, whereby performance is determined annually and the payout percentage is calculated at the end of the respective four-year term of the tranche according to the average performance on the basis of the annual individual values.
At the end of the term of the tranche, corresponding compensation is granted using this payout percentage. This is paid out in the subsequent fiscal year.
The LTSP 2014–2017 program required a prior personal investment each year in LANXESS AG shares of 5% of the annual base salary. These shares had a lock-up period of four years. The three-year exercise period ended on January 31, 2024.