Virkon® S – farm biosecurity products
- Powerful broad-spectrum virucidal disinfectant effective from 15 to 60 seconds*
- Remains highly effective in cold temperatures and in the presence of organic challenge
- Independently proven against over 100 strains of viruses, 400 strains of bacteria and 60 strains of fungi and yeasts
*Proven efficacy against Newcastle Disease in 15 seconds, Avian Inlfuenza H7N9 in 15 seconds, African Swine Fever in 15 seconds, Foot and Mouth Disease in 30 seconds
Find out more about our biosecurity solutions portfolio here:
Industry-leading chemistry recognized by governments worldwide
Virkon® S is the choice of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and govern-ments worldwide to secure biosecurity and strengthen emergency disease control (EDC) contin-gency planning. The Australian and New Zealand governments’ AUSVETPLAN is probably the be-stregarded EDC reference source. Virkon® S continues to be the only branded disinfectant referred to in the 2008 AUSVETPLAN, stating that “Virkon® S is a modern disinfectant with outstanding virucidal properties.”
Industry-leading chemistry recognized by governments worldwide
Virkon® S is the choice of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and govern-ments worldwide to secure biosecurity and strengthen emergency disease control (EDC) contin-gency planning. The Australian and New Zealand governments’ AUSVETPLAN is probably the be-stregarded EDC reference source. Virkon® S continues to be the only branded disinfectant referred to in the 2008 AUSVETPLAN, stating that “Virkon® S is a modern disinfectant with outstanding viru-cidal properties.”
As part of our commitment to evolving chemistry, safety, and stewardship, we have heavily invested in performance and safety testing. And, Virkon® S has a significant number of studies supporting approved label claims against the OIE listed diseases, including exotic Newcastle Disease (ND) and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), Classical Swine Fever (CSF), Aujeszky’s Disease (AD), Transmissible Gastroenteritis (TGE), and African Swine Fever (ASF). Virkon® S is also UK DEFRA Approved for Poultry (DoP), Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), Swine Vesicular Disease (SVD), and General Orders (GO)* For Salmonella, studies confirm that Virkon® S is highly active against the most prevalent strains responsible for food poisoning. The broad spectrum efficacy of Virkon® S has been independently proven against:
- Over 100 strains of viruses in 22 viral families
- Over 400 strains of bacteria
- Over 60 strains of fungi
*Virkon® S is UK DEFRA Approved at the dilution rates of 1:225 for DoP and 1:80 for GO.
Proven on-farm efficacy offers producers reassurance and the knowledge that the product they are using will be effective in real farm conditions, where low temperatures and high levels of organic challenge can present serious problems to other disinfectants.
In field studies carried out by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health, researchers confirmed that Virkon® S was 100% effective in eradicating the exotic ND virus, eliminating the need for costly sentinel bird placement.1
Live pig transport is an important vector of PRRS virus into farms and within pig flows. The Swine Disease Eradication Center, University of Minnesota, published important results aimed at helping producers reduce the risk of spreading highly infective PRRS virus by live animal transport.1 In a study performed on a full-size pig trailer under practical constraints to match field conditions, the researchers selected 1% Virkon® S as the study disinfectant due to its proven broad spectrum virucidal activity, including against PRRS virus. Their results were excellent, producing “good inactivation of PRRS virus within the target time when cold water was used and disinfection applied by foaming.” This work, coupled with the known broad spectrum of activity of Virkon® S, confirmed that it is the disinfectant of choice for transport biosecurity. These wide-ranging, real-world biosecurity challenges demonstrate the broad spectrum proven efficacy of Virkon® S against both viruses and bacteria. Virkon® S has been proven time and again to meet the toughest biosecurity challenges better than any of its competitors and provides the key to combating the effects of viruses and bacteria in livestock production.
1Use of sentinel chickens to evaluate the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection procedures in non-commercial poultry operations infected with exotic Newcastle disease virus. Brian J McCluskey et al. J Vet Diagn Invest 18:296-299 (2006).
With the stringent EU legislation to control Salmonella and Campylobacter esp. in the meat production industry, biosecurity is even more important. Virkon® S has been tested to specifically address these needs. EN 1656 studies with Salmonella and Campylobacter confirmed the great performance and proof that Virkon® S is highly effective at
- Short contact time and
- Low dilution rate.
Most common Salmonella strains responsible for food poisoning were tested: Salmonella Enteritidis, Salmonella Infantis, Salmonella Typhimurium, and Salmonella Typhimurium Monofasic passing with a dilution rate of 0.5 % (1:200) or better in only 5 minutes. The test against Campylobacter jejuni even passed at 0.25 % (1:400) in 5 minutes under dirty conditions. Additionally, similar data for multiresistant bacteria, like Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Salmonella Enteritidis (ESBL) are available. The last one was even tested at 1 minute.
Excellent operator profile
- No need for rotation
- Superior operator safety
- Effective low-temperature performance
- Easy to transport and use
- Environmental profile
- Aerial misting in the presence of animals
Supporting the reduction of antibiotic use
Governments worldwide are seeking reductions in the use of livestock antibiotics to limit the development of antibiotic resistance, which can pass to the human population. Targeted legislation to reduce the use of prophylactic antibiotics in the food chain is now becoming a reality. So it’s critical that producers take steps to improve their biosecurity measures. With proven efficacy in a wide range of real-world biosecurity challenges against both viruses and bacteria, Virkon® S has proven key to combating the effects of viruses and bacteria in livestock production. As a disinfectant of choice for governments worldwide, Virkon® S leads the way forward in biosecurity bestpractice programmes.