Quality control certification, checked guarantee of standard of company product.


Independent rating agencies assess the creditworthiness of companies and the financial instruments they issue for the purpose of assessing risk for other participants in the capital market. For this purpose, the agencies use comprehensive company, market and economic information.

LANXESS's strategic corporate objective is to keep the rating agencies' credit ratings in the solid investment grade range. LANXESS management informs the rating agencies about the company's strategy and development in regular meetings. This ensures an intensive and open dialogue with the rating agencies and proactive measures can be taken to support the agencies' future rating assessments.

LANXESS has commissioned two recognized rating agencies to publicly issue their rating assessment of LANXESS. Since the spin-off of LANXESS AG, all ratings have been in the investment grade range.

Rating Agencies Rating Long Term Outlook Last update
Moody´s Baa3 negative  November 2024
Scope BBB- negative February 2025

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