Water treatment
Oxone™ monopersulfate compound can remove, reduce and/or neutralize many inorganic and organic pollutants. Applications of Oxone™ chemistry include:
- odor control. e.g. sulfur species, amine compounds, phenolics, synthetic fragrances
- organic degradation and AOP, e.g. persistent organic compounds, pharmaceuticals. dyes, personal care ingredients, food processing by-products, COD, TOC and BOD reduction.
- cyanide remediation (free cyanides, thiocyanates and weak acid dissociable metal complexes)
- arsenic remediation (As(III) conversion to As (V))
- water disinfection (bacteria, yeasts, viruses)
The table below illustrates examples of specific pollutants oxidised or neutralised by Oxone™ monopersulfate compound.
Compounds oxidized / neutralized by Oxone™
- Ammonia and amine compounds
- Aldehydes, including formaldehyde
- Arsenic
- Compounds that contribute to chemical oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC) and biological oxygen demand (BOD)
- Cyanides and thiocyanates
- Dyes
- Food processing by-products
- Hydrogen sulfide and organic sulfides
- Microorganisms
- Nitrites
- Organic amines
- Organic sulfides
- Persistent organic compounds
- Pesticides
- Pharmaceuticals
- Phenolic compounds
- Quinolines
- Synthetic fragrances
Oxone™ monopersulfate compound offers a sustainable approach to waste and process water management. Oxone™ chemistry can be applied in the following versatile ways:
- Powder dosing, for direct application.
- Preparation of a concentrated solution, for automated / continuous dosing / use in wet scrubbers.
- AOP activation of Oxone™ solutions, for boosted performance and reaction times against persistent pollutants.
The application of Oxone™ monopersulfate compound can be targeted for particular treatment challenges and can be used to solve multiple problems.
Most conventional wastewater treatment plants were not designed to remove toxic organic contaminants from waste streams. Consequently, pollutants such as pharmaceuticals, personal care products, dyes, pesticides and many others, are released into the environment unless additional treatment is applied.
Oxone™ can be activated into powerful radicals that can degrade a broad range of organic pollutants and emerging contaminants. Traditional peroxide/Fenton and ozone AOPs form hydroxyl radicals, whereas Oxone™ generates both hydroxyl and sulfate radicals. Sulfate radicals offer additional advantages over hydroxyl radicals due to their higher reactivity, longer lifetime and greater selectivity.
Activation can be achieved by conventional AOP techniques, such as UV light, iron(II) sulfate or ozone, amongst others.
Application of Oxone™ - based AOPs can result in the removal of contaminants of environmental concern, reducing COD, BOD and TOC from a multitude of industries.
Cyanides are beneficial compounds that have widespread uses industrially. However, in order to avoid the environmental release of highly toxic cyanide species into the environment, it is necessary to use effective techniques to remediate cyanide-containing waste water.
Industrial processes with cyanide waste streams include:
- Carbon black production
- Coal gasification
- Metal finishing, electroplating
- Mining of precious metals
- Pesticide production
- Petrochemical industry
- Pharmaceutical synthesis
- Plastics, coatings & foam production
Oxone™ monopersulfate compound can rapidly and efficiently detoxify hazardous cyanide ion in industrial waste streams. Cyanides, thiocyanates and weak acid dissociable (WAD) metal complexes are degraded at ambient temperature within minutes. The process is selective, efficient and operationally simple, requiring low capital investment. Oxone™ has an excellent safety profile for storage, handling and transport, and results in more environmentally favorable end products.
An effective two-step remedy for arsenic remediation is oxidation of dissolved arsenite (As3+) to arsenate (As5+), followed by arsenate removal. OxoneTM can be used as the oxidant in this process, to rapidly and efficiently oxidize As3+.
Activation of the OxoneTM chemistry is not typically necessary to achieve a complete reaction within minutes. Not only that, but the powder product offers safety and handleability advantages over other chemistries.