

We aim to pay a stable or increased dividend each year. For each year’s proposal, we will take certain factors, such as the economic situation and our financial leverage, into consideration. We will however always pay a dividend.

Listed below are the dividend payments of LANXESS up to now and the key dividend figures.

For this year's dividend please note the following dates:

  • AGM:         May 24, 2024
  • Ex Date: May 27, 2024
  • Record Date: May 28, 2024
  • Payment Date:         May 29, 2024
Dividend Key Figures
Fiscal year Dividend (€ per share) Total payout (million €) Dividend yield (%) Stockholders’ Meeting Date
 2023  0.10*  8.6  0.4 May 24, 2024
 2022 1.05 91 2.8 May 24, 2023
 2021 1.05 91 1.9 May 25, 2022
 2020 1.00 86 1.6 May 19, 2021
 2019 0.95 82 1.6 August 27, 2020
 2018 0.90 79 2.2 May 23, 2019
 2017 0.80 73 1.2 May 15, 2018
 2016 0.70 64 1.1 May 26, 2017
 2015 0.60 55 1.4 May 20, 2016
 2014 0.50 46 1.3 May 13, 2015
 2013 0.50 46 1.0 May 22, 2014
 2012 1.00 83 1.5 May 23, 2013
 2011 0.85 71 2.1 May 15, 2012
 2010 0.70 58 1.2 May 18, 2011
 2009 0.50 42 1.9 May 28, 2010
 2008 0.50 42 3.6 May 7, 2009
 2007 1.00 83 3.0 May 29, 2008
 2006 0.25 21 0.6 May 31, 2007

*  Dividend proposal to the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting on May 24, 2024.

Further Information

Investor Relations

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