Safe and Sustainable Sites
We manufacture sustainable products at competitive and sustainable chemical sites. Continuous process improvements and investments are fundamental to our success. We care about the communities to which our sites belong.
Our commitment is to make our production safe and sustainable in every respect, thus ensuring our longterm competitiveness. Our Production, Technology, Safety & Environment (PTSE) Group function, the head of which reports directly to the Board of Management member Dr. Hubert Fink, is responsible for this. PTSE develops and maintains company-wide standards that ensure responsible use of chemicals at LANXESS. They define requirements and govern responsibilities for health protection, environmental protection, handling of chemicals, plant safety and safety precautions in the workplace. Continuous training of our employees and regular audit-based reviews of our health, safety and environmental management systems are aimed to ensure that the requirements are incorporated into our processes systematically and sustainably.
We see the conservation of natural resources - for example, by using raw materials and energy as efficiently as possible - and the identification of further potential for reducing emissions and waste as an ongoing task within the framework of our ecological responsibility and competence - including the preservation of biodiversity. We equip all new production sites with state-of-the-art technology, also in terms of environmental standards, taking local requirements into account.
In the spirit of the circular economy, LANXESS strives to implement the waste hierarchy - avoid, reuse, dispose - worldwide.
We also focus on the responsible use of water resources, including both water consumption and water quality. To further advance our commitment to protecting water as a resource, we launched our global LANXESS Water Program in 2020. Our aim is to promote sustainable water management with the aim of continuously improving the way we use water.
Our understanding of sustainable locations also includes being a good and reliable partner for the people on site or in the respective region and assuming social and societal responsibility. Our commitment is based on our corporate competencies and objectives and focuses on the fields of action education, climate protection, water and culture.