Our commitment to sustainability
LANXESS is recognized by a number of sustainability indices and rankings its our progress toward sustainable management.

In the latest assessment by the renowned climate protection initiative CDP, the Group was one of 354 companies worldwide to make it back onto the "A List" in the climate category. This puts LANXESS in the top 2 percent of the more than 21,000 companies assessed by CDP.
The "A" grade is awarded to companies that report on their climate protection activities in a particularly transparent and comprehensive manner and also implement corresponding projects. The Group has been disclosing data relevant to climate protection to CDP since 2012. LANXESS is on the "A List" for the seventh time this year. LANXESS received the best possible grade A in 8 out of 11 categories and has been consistently rated at leadership level since 2016.
Climate protection is a central part of LANXESS's corporate strategy. This is reflected in our ambitious goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2040.
Download documents:
>> 2023 Climate Change LANXESS AG
>> 2023 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire LANXESS AG
Water Security
LANXESS also received an A- grade in the area of water management. The company had set itself specific targets for sustainable water management and launched projects at the four sites in the areas with the greatest water stress to strengthen sustainable water management locally. We were able to confirm the leadership level for water in the last assessment.
Download documents:
>> 2023 Water LANXESS AG
>> 2023 CDP Water Security Questionnaire LANXESS AG
Supplier Engagement
LANXESS was recognized as a 2023 Supplier Engagement Leader as well, for raising the level of climate action across its value chain. With our Net Zero Value Chain program, we seek climate neutrality even beyond our gates.
CDP: Highest transparency on environmental data
CDP, an independent nonprofit organization, aims to create global transparency on greenhouse gas emissions and the management of water resources and forests. In 2023, more than 21,000 companies submitted their data. This makes the CDP data platform one of the world’s most comprehensive sources of environmentally relevant information. The project is currently supported by more than 740 investors worldwide, who manage a total of around 136 trillion US dollars in assets.

Dow Jones Sustainability Indices
LANXESS once again scores highly in terms of sustainability: In 2023 specialty chemicals company ranked first in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) Europe in the “Chemicals” category, scoring 79 out of 100 points. In the DJSI World, LANXESS came in third as in the previous year. The Group achieved particularly good results in the areas of climate strategy, water, product stewardship and occupational safety.Support of the 1.5° pathway

LANXESS awarded with "Gold" in global EcoVadis assessment

As a member, LANXESS was also recently assessed by the EcoVadis agency. We achieved a performance score of 80/100 in the current assessment in 2024 and have thus reached "Gold" status and placed in the top 5% of companies assessed.
EcoVadis, a leading global rating agency for sustainability assessments, conducts the assessments as a partner of Together for Sustainability.
In 2024, the award methodology changed from absolute scores to a comparison of company performances in the EcoVadis database over the past 12 months.
The percentile rank is calculated across all companies and industries.