Community Relations
We believe
in an open dialog with the people in the communities where we live and work. It
is very important to us to keep our neighbors informed and to gather feedback
from stakeholders in the region about our activities.
At many of
our locations, we actively participate in institutionalized dialogues in
established forums, such as community advisory boards. These dialogues allow us
to be in continuous exchange with local authorities and community
representatives in order to jointly develop solutions to local challenges and
better understand the needs of the communities. In addition, we have
established dedicated contact points in some communities, which are operated
either by LANXESS itself or by our partners in the chemical parks. These
contact points serve as direct points of contact for the population to clarify
questions, discuss concerns and find out about current projects and
initiatives. In this way, we can ensure that we are always close to the people
and incorporate their concerns into our decisions.
One of the ways we develop
these relationships is through Community Advisory Panels (CAPs), which we
participate in near a number of our production sites in the US and Canada. We
coordinate these processes with local communities.
These groups, often comprised of community leaders and a variety of local representatives, meet regularly with LANXESS site management to openly discuss common interests and plant operations, as well as community needs and concerns. Participants are then able to share information and provide relevant updates within their community and networks.
Find out more about our CAPS here.
In our
policy statement on respecting human rights, we reaffirm our commitment to
respecting human rights and engaging in dialog with the communities around our
sites. This applies to all local community members and also includes indigenous