Our Social Engagement
As a company, we aim to play a positive part in improving living conditions, education, training, equal opportunities, and health and safety in the communities around our sites.
It is our strategy to align our social commitment with our corporate expertise and possible business value drivers. With our Corporate Citizenship activities we aim to combine social case (contribution to the development of the society) and business case (creation of benefits for our company). We chose four focus areas of activity along this rationale: education, climate protection, water and culture - areas which are also well aligned with the UN “Sustainable Development Goals (“SDG’s”) no. 4, 6, 11 and 13.
Our goals are identical for all areas:
- Mobilize resources and people for social engagement,
- achieve positive impacts on business, the environment and society.
Our four focus topics
The chemical industry, a cornerstone of Germany's economy, presents exciting opportunities for new applicants, especially in light of demographic changes. By attracting and nurturing skilled workers, Germany can strengthen its position as a leading hub for chemical innovation. Emphasizing the potential for growth and development, we can ensure that German chemical companies continue to excel in global competition.
As a specialty chemicals company, we need well- educated employees to safeguard growth and added value. For this reason we aim to establish relations with pupils and spark the fascination of natural science and technology at an early age, inspiring them to pursue a career at LANXESS.
We support talented young scientists at schools and institutes of higher education and provide funds to improve scientific facilities. In volunteering projects, our employees share their job experience and practical expertise during activities with educational institutions.
The demand for clean water is rising
dramatically in the face of a growing worldwide population and increasing
globalization. Already today, this valuable resource is scarce in many
countries around the world and access to clean water is increasingly becoming a
Our products are used to conserve,
transport, clean and save water around the world. Our specific expertise helps
both industry and people directly. We create awareness for our competencies,
expertise and solutions.
Through local projects, we help to
safeguard the supply of clean drinking water to the population and sustainably
improve their quality of life. Additionally, we are encouraging young people to
adopt a more responsible approach in order to use this valuable resource
Research on future scenarios predict
climate change will have a dramatic effect on our ecosystems. Climate
protection is a long-term challenge and one of importance for the future of our
We aim to promote the necessity of
climate protection also with our global Corporate Citizenship activities.
Thereby, we want to establish platforms for innovation that positively reflect
back on our business as well as improve the quality of life and diminishes the
risk for climate-related natural disasters for people in our communities.
Climate protection starts by being
aware of the challenge – our aim is to foster a climate-conscious behavior in
our business but also in the communities in which we operate. With competitions
and also concrete community action we build knowledge and awareness as well as
encourage and enable people to become active.
without the collective resources of our libraries, museums, theatres and
galleries, or without the per-sonal expression of literature, music and art,
would be static and sterile. Culture has positive impacts on social wellbeing
and cohesion, our physical and mental health as well as education and innovation.
With our
commitment to culture, we strengthen partnership and interaction with the
business community and local communities around our sites by supporting local
cultural projects.
Our projects
Our social commitment over the last five years in figures: