Blocked Urethane Prepolymers for Processing Flexibility
Adiprene® blocked urethanes are based on a technology to control the cure of urethane elastomers. This technology effectively blocks the curing reaction until it is heat activated at the optimum time in the process. This enables the pouring of large and complex parts, and even facilitates the use of hand batching. Blocked systems can be processed with curatives that would otherwise be too fast for traditional unblocked prepolymers, but that provide toughness and other properties not achievable with standard curatives. By starting with LF MDI technology, blocked LF MDI prepolymers have lower viscosity and low melting point to further improve processing.
Adiprene® BL are used for elastic, high performance binders for abrasive particles, mineral fillers, or for impregnating fabrics.
- Wide processing window and controlled cure
- Enhanced mechanical properties for high performance abrasive binders
- Designed polyol component for superior heat resistance
- LF technology for improved industrial hygiene
Adiprene® blocked urethane prepolymers are available in both conventional and LF (low free) chemistries, with various polyols and blocking agents. LANXESS scientists can work with you to customize a special formulation to achieve your ideal performance.