Sustainable Iron Oxide Pigments Production by LANXESS

Leading in Sustainability 

We regard the sustainability of our products as absolutely essential. The production processes of LANXESS business unit Inorganic Pigments have always been designed to conserve resources and to continuously reduce environmental impact of our products.

Since decades we are setting the benchmark in sustainability:

  • Our production facilities are certified to DIN ISO 9001 and 14001
  • We continuously invest in state-of-the-art technologies at all our sites
  • BAYFERROX® iron oxides have achieved recycled content certification from SCS Global Services, a clear benefit to customers with a sustainable purchasing strategy
  • LANXESS is listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI World) and FTSE4Good. For our sustainability performance, we have also been awarded the “Platinum” category of EcoVadis’ sustainability rating

Our customers can rest assured that they have a sustainable supplier in us. For us, economic and ecological sustainability go hand in hand. 

Are you looking for more information about our environmental production process? Get in touch with us!



More informationEPD Brochures IPG Red, Black and Yellow grouped togehter

Transparent life-cycle assessment

As the first manufacturer of synthetic iron oxide pigments LANXESS offers verified Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for selected product groups. 
More informationIPG CoGEN site in Porto Feliz, Brazil

Energy from Renewable Feedstock

Climate neutral energy supply makes our plant in Porto Feliz independent from external sources: About 80.000 t/a less CO₂ is emitted in the  production compared to traditional yellow iron oxide plants with the same annual capacity.
More informationSustainable iron oxide pigment production by LANXESS

National Green Plant Certification

LANXESS is the only manufacturer of synthetic iron oxide pigments to have received the National Green Plant certificate from the Chinese government for its production facility in Ningbo.