


The LANXESS Group is a globally operating chemical enterprise that is characterized particularly by

  • flexible asset structures,
  • a diversified customer base,
  • a worldwide presence and
  • an entrepreneurial management structure.

Our core business is development, manufacturing and marketing of chemical intermediates, additives, specialty chemicals and consumer protection products. In these central fields of industrial chemistry we deploy our specific core competences of chemical expertise, application know-how, flexible asset management and close co-operation with our customers.   

The operational business of LANXESS is grouped into three segments which include

  • Advanced Intermediates,
  • Specialty Additives and
  • Consumer Protection.

The three segments report directly to the Executive Board in order to have the greatest possible freedom of development. The respective management is responsible for strategic development and alignment - in close cooperation with its product and customer management.

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Advanced Intermediates

In this segment LANXESS concentrates its expertise in high-quality industrial intermediates and is one of the world's leading manufacturers. 
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Specialty Additives

In the specialty Additives segment, we bundle all areas that produce additives. This includes plastic additives and lubricants as well as rubber and colorant additives.
Consumer Protection

Consumer Protection

LANXESS specialty chemicals that protect people and their environment in many areas of life - that's what our Consumer Protection segment stands for. 

Business Units

The responsibilities for the operational business are borne by our business units which are grouped into the three segments Advanced Industrial Inermediates, Specialty Additives and Consumer Protection.

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Matthias Zachert, Frederique van Baarle, Oliver Stratmann and Dr. Hubert Fink are the members of our Board of Management. The business units report directly to the Board of Management.