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Political Communication

Climate protection is a business case for LANXESS - we will be climate neutral by 2040.

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Political positions of LANXESS

Many political issues have an influence on LANXESS. Our page on political communication provides an overview of positions regarding the various initiatives.



LANXESS significantly increases earnings in fiscal year 2024

Since August 1, 2013, specialty chemicals Group LANXESS is steering its global business from the LANXESS Tower in Cologne.

LANXESS receives excellent sustainability ratings


LANXESS Position: How to simplify REACH

The Chemistry Lab. Various glass chemistry lab equipment
Learn moreDr._Hubert_Fink.jpg

Climate neutral 2040: Interview with Dr. Hubert Fink

LANXESS has set itself a major goal: climate neutrality by 2040. In this interview, Management Board member Dr. Hubert Fink explains the background that led to this decision, why climate protection is a business case, and what political conditions must be met for the goal to be achieved.
VideoGraphic referring to EU, ECHA

Chemicals Policy - in simple terms

What is necessary to sell chemicals in Europe? What rules must be followed to ensure safe production and handling and how much does it cost to register a chemical in Europe? All this and why we at LANXESS try to exceed these requirements can be seen in this video.

Conversation Topics

Learn moreElectro car is charging on the street. No logos or car numbers visible.

New Mobility - The way into the future

E-mobility is one possible way to contribute to a more sustainable future. Finding solutions to deliver environment-friendly, integrated, and sometimes even automated travel on demand for new mobility is a challenge that affects us all. LANXESS is therefore combining its business activities in this area to support a group wide initiative for e-mobility.
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Circular Economy

Plastics play an important role in a sustainable economy. LANXESS focuses on a life cycle that is as environmentally friendly as possible. Learn more about circular economy at LANXESS by using the example of plastics.
View of famous Reichstag or Bundestag building, seat of the German Parliament. Travel and Politics in Berlin concept

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