Electric train Lastochka at the Shelepikha station of the Moscow Central Ring.

Trixene® Blocked Isocyanates

Trixene® blocked crosslinkers enable formation of highly flexible coatings with superior durability, impact resistance, weather resistance, adhesion on a variety of substrates and and easy processing.

Trixene® blocked prepolymers and blocked isocyanates offer significant benefits for urethane surface coatings

Trixene® blocked crosslinkers enable formation of highly flexible coatings with superior durability, impact resistance, weather resistance, adhesion on a variety of substrates and and easy processing. LANXESS’ broad portfolio of Trixene® blocked crosslinkers delivers a range of characteristics to suit application parameters, allowing tailoring of coating properties.

Our range of solvent-borne grades serve mainly as crosslinkers for hydroxyl-functional resins (polyester, urethane, acrylic etc.). They are typically formulated into 1K coatings that are dried and cured under factory stoving conditions, e. g. for OEM metal components used in the automotive and consumer goods industries.




Can and Coil Coatings
Trixene® blocked crosslinkers offer highly flexible coatings with superior durability, weather resistance and easy processing for the can and coil coating industry.

  • Storage stability for 1K formulations
  • High flexibility
  • Reduced yellowing

Transportation Coatings
Trixene® blocked crosslinkers enable formation of flexible coatings with high impact resistance and adhesion on a variety of substrates, solving the needs of the transportation industry.

  • Excellent compatibility and high reactivity
  • Enhanced chemical resistance
  • Lowest deblocking temperature

Find out more

Discover Coating SolutionsWater drops on waterproof black fabric

Coating Solutions

LANXESS provides innovative polyurethane technology as key component for a range of coating systems, leveraging our expertise in urethanes to meet industry demand for sustainable solutions.
Discover Blocked TechnologyRear light of a red painted car

Blocked Technology

LANXESS manufactures and supplies an extensive portfolio of Adiprene® blocked prepolymers and Trixene® blocked isocyanate crosslinkers. Our products designed as solvent-borne, water- based and 100% solids meet the requirements of high performance formulations in a wide range of application areas. 

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Coatings Solutions

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