Cleaning and Disinfection outside around buildings, the coronavirus epidemic. Professional teams for disinfection efforts. Infection prevention and control of epidemic. Protective suit and mask.


Disinfection has an important role to play in treating pathogens on hard, non-porous surfaces – especially in health care facilities, industrial and institutional areas and in animal housing. Proper cleaning and disinfection are essential to kill pathogens and combat economic losses in animal production.

LANXESS Material Protection Products offers several active substances for the formulation of disinfectants for various applications*.

These include:

  • Active ingredient: Glutaraldehyde
  • Chemical name: 1,5-Pentanedial
  • Assay: min. 50 %
  • Formulated products may have regulatory approval*  for the following:
    • Disinfection Application: Animal health; Hospital, Industrial and Institutional 
    • Areas of Application: Hard surface disinfection, Farm equipment disinfection
    • Efficacy: Bacteria, bacterial spores, mycobacteria, yeast, mould and viruses
  • BPR approval status: Approved  for uses in biocidal products of the disinfection applications in Product Types 2, 3 and 4
* Not all applications listed above are registered/approved for use in all countries. Contact your sales representative or refer to our Contact Form to learn about product availability and approvals in your country.

In addition to active substances, LANXESS also offers final disinfectants (frame formulations), which can be sold under your brand name. If you are interested in developing your own formulations with our active substances, we are happy to support you. Please contact us for more information on our products and for up-to date information on the registration status of our products.

Disinfection Applications

More details: Animal Health Disinfectionchickens on a small farm

Animal Health Disinfection

Find out more about our active substances for the formulation of broad-spectrum disinfectants.
More details: Medical, Industrial and Institutional DisinfectionAdobeStock_35183588.jpeg

Hospital, Industrial and Institutional Disinfection

Find out more about our product range for the health sector.
More details: Household DisinfectionWoman cleaning oven in kitchen

Household Disinfection

LANXESS active substances can also be the best choice for household applications.
More details: Hand HygieneWashing hands.

Hand Hygiene

LANXESS active substances for hand hygiene to effectively prevent infections.

Actives Perform
LANXESS is a leading provider of water treatment solutions, disinfection active substances and specialty chemicals. Find out more in our video: 

Get in touch with us!

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You have questions regarding our products and applications? Feel free to contact our experts via our contact form!