Adhesives & Sealants
Mold or mildew growth in the home is not just unsightly, it is also associated with serious health risks, especially in locations with high moisture content like bathrooms or kitchens. Protecting your product from microbial growth is vital for the reputation of your products and brand.
Bacterial and fungal growth can also lead to spoilage during manufacturing process. The right microbial control solution is critical for rapid decontamination, maintenance of plant hygiene and prevention of further contamination spread. We offer not only the right products but also recommendations on good practices based on decades of expertise solving microbial problems.
The right in-can preservative (in the wet-state) can help prevent visible contamination, unpleasant odors, pH and viscosity changes, or other microbial degradation caused by bacteria and/or fungi.
Dry-film preservatives can help prevent contamination caused by mold and mildew after product has been applied.