Fresh white bread from the oven

Eco-Grade and NSF-listed Hatcol® Esters

Eco-Grade Hatcol® Esters

EU EcoLabel lubricants are eco-friendly alternatives to conventional lubricants, aiming to decrease the negative impact of these products on our biodiversity, through respecting a wide scope of environmental criteria. The aim of those criteria should be to promote products that have a limited impact on the aquatic environment, contain a limited amount of hazardous substances and performance as well as or better than a conventional lubricant available on the market. 

For more information about the EU Ecolabel for lubricants, the impact and solutions see the EcoLabel factsheet.


Hatcol® Ester
Ester Type  Bio-Degradability
Bio-Renewable (%)
LuSC EcoLabel  NSF HX-1 Features and Benefits
 2906  Diester Readily

 ▪ Very low viscosity
 ▪ Outstanding low temperature performance
 2910  Diester Readily

 ▪ Very low pour point
 ▪ Excellent low temperature properties
 2901  Diester Readily

 ▪ Excellent low temperature properties
 ▪ Very good high temperature performance
 2937 POE  Readily 77

 ▪ Excellent elastomer compatibility
 ▪ Balanced high & low temperature performance
 2938 POE

 ▪ Excellent all-round performance
 ▪ Good additive solubilizer
 2954 POE
✓   ▪ Low temperature fluidity
 ▪ Enhanced lubricity
 2965 POE
23 ✓ 
 ▪ Low temperature fluidity
 ▪ Enhanced lubricity
 5150 POE
Readily 12 ✓ 
 ▪ Extraordinary high temperature stability
 ▪ Excellent cleanliness at high temperatures
 3371  Complex Readily  50 ✓ 
 ▪ High viscosity and VI
 ▪ Thermal stability


NSF-Listed HX-1 Hatcol® Esters

LANXESS offers 19 POE ester base stocks that are NSF-Listed HX-1 approved for use in lubricants with incidental food contact. 

Find our registrations in the NSF Whitebook

Two balanced portfolios of HX-1 Base Stocks

Industrial Grade Polyol Esters

  • Used as the primary base stock or as an additive for improved performance
  • Preferred for high temperature applications
  • Products range from ISO 22 to 400
  • Biodegradable options available

Refrigeration Grade Polyol Esters

  • A special class of compressor oils with unique performance requirements
  • Product range from ISO 22 to 220
  • Conformance to exacting standards of high purity, low acid number, and low moisture content
  • Compatible with HFC refrigerants such as R-134a, R-404A and R-410A
  • Products for next-generation refrigerants, such as hydrofluoroolefins (HFO), hydrocarbons (R-290), and carbon dioxide (R-744)


ISO Grade  Pour Point (°C) Flash Point (°C) NSF Reg #
Industrial Lubricants
Refrigeration Lubricants
 2938 22 -54
254 147934

 2939 22 -51
263 156732
 2954 22 -59
260 158471
 3169 32 -34 274 158472 ✓   
 5068 68
266 158473
 2999 80
285 160927 ✓ 
 2372 120
293 158474

 5150 170
-29 285 158475

 3165 400
-16 288 158476

 3505 22 -58 263 158467
 3502 22 -58 263 158464    ✓ 
 3508 32 -51 257 158470  
 3506 32 -54 252 158468   
 3501 46 -43 258 158463  
 3504 68 -43 257 158466  
 3583 80 -50 257 160926    ✓ 
 3503 100 -33 266 158465    ✓ 
 3507 220 -26 257 158469    ✓ 
 3596  220  -33 296 160928   ✓ 



Do you have any questions about our products, are you looking for technical advice or are you searching for a local sales representative in your country? Please get in touch with us. 

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