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Project management at Saltigo

Project management at Saltigo: four steps to success

We use holistic, target-oriented project management to effectively carry out customer projects.

Our project management system is proven and flexible

Saltigo specializes in custom manufacturing. We rely on our wholistic project management (WPM) to ensure that our customers' needs are met. This system has been optimized and fine-tuned over the years and has been proven to be very successful. In particular the creation of dedicated project teams has been proven to be extremely valuable, in order to always have the right team formed for your product.

  • The teams are led by chemists, engineers or technicians with many years of production experience.
  • Along with their interdisciplinary colleagues from all departments, such as process development, engineering, marketing, procurement, HSEQ and production, they are a team responsible for managing each project.
  • These project teams remain accountable throughout the entire project lifecycle to ensure that expert knowledge is continuously developed and preserved in the customer's best interest.

Our four phases of project management

The Saltigo project management framework is based on a four-phase model. It consists of the following sub-processes

  1. Inquiry and project evaluation
  2. Development and process development
  3. Initial production, facility set-up and pilot production
  4. Regular production, continuous improvement and innovation
Saltigo Business model  -Intermediates & ative ingredients
Saltigo Business model - Intermediates & ative ingredients
Saltigo project management
Saltigo project management - Key driver of our business model

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Pharmaceutical intermediates

Pharmaceutical intermediates and active ingredients by custom manufacturing from Saltigo: always to top standards and in certified quality!
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Fine chemicals

Benefit from top quality and high delivery reliability, profound synthesis know-how and state-of-the-art technologies!
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Crop protection

Effective against plant diseases with crop protection by Saltigo
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Products and Serives

Future-orientated custom manufacturing and innovation – learn more about our portfolio for the fine chemicals, crop protection and pharmaceutical industries.
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