Sustainability: reliable partner for net-zero production
For example, the partners expect renewable energies to account for 50 percent of the total electricity supplied. This will reduce LANXESS' carbon footprint by 33,000 metric tons per year. Saltigo is also examining concepts for incorporating green steam into production. For example, a generator based on green energy produces steam and then feeds it into the production process.
Various sustainability ratings and indices confirm LANXESS’ ambitious climate targets and honor its efforts to date with excellent results. Ecovadis, one of the leading sustainability ratings within the industry confirmed LANXESS’ excellent grade in 2023 with a platinum medal and a score of 78, which means LANXESS belongs to the top 1% in the chemical industry. The rating evaluation includes environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement scores. Also, LANXESS actively participates in the “together for sustainability” initiative since its founding in 2014.
LANXESS’ climate targets are in line with the Paris Climate Agreement. This has been approved by the renowned Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). The joint initiative of climate protection organization CDP, UN Global Compact, World Resources Institute and World Wide Fund for Nature has validated the Group’s targets for reducing its emissions and acknowledged that LANXESS is helping to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degrees. This temperature is generally considered the threshold for preventing a climate catastrophe.
The climate protection initiative CDP placed LANXESS on its "A List" in the "Climate" category again in March of 2024. LANXESS was one of 354 companies worldwide to make it back onto the “A List” in the climate category. This puts LANXESS in the top 2 percent of the more than 21,000 companies assessed by CDP.