
Sustainability Management

Sustainability Management Located at Board of Management Level

As part of the LANXESS Group strategy, sustainability is regularly the subject of decision-making processes by the Board of Management. 

We have established several specialized committees below the Board of Management and Supervisory Board to ensure continuous development and compliance with our strategy, rules and standards.

Committees and Functions

Sustainability Committee

The top decision-making body is the Sustainability Committee, which manages all key issues relating to sustainability. Its members include all members of the Board of Management. Five sub-committees report to the Sustainability Committee, which deal with various focal points of our sustainability strategy and are each headed by a Board of Management member:

  • “Climate & Energy” sub-committee – implementation of the LANXESS “Climate neutral 2040” climate program
  • “Health, Safety & Environment” sub-committee –development of sustainable and safe production sites
  • "Value Chain Circularity & Product Stewardship" sub-committee - promotion of sustainable products and value chains
  • "People & Governance" sub-committee-coordination of issues of LANXESS's corporate and social responsibility
  • "Stakeholder expectations and reporting standards" sub-committee - fulfillment of external reporting standards and stakeholder management


The global compliance organization is to be the point of contact for all employees on all compliance-related issues. In coordination with the business segments, measures are also developed to prevent misconduct and to counteract any illegal or unethical behavior in the LANXESS Group at an early stage.

Corporate Risk Committee

The Corporate Risk Committee reviews and monitors the risk profile of LANXESS and, as part of this process, regularly analyzes the main opportunities, risks and corresponding precautionary measures regarding sustainability.

Health, Safety and Environment: HSE Committee

As one of LANXESS's five subcommittees, the HSE Committee (Health, Safety, Environment) ensures uniformly high health, safety and environmental protection standards worldwide. It defines the necessary global guidelines, strategies and programs, as well as our goals, and monitors their implementation. The committee is also responsible for our global strategy for the integrated quality and environmental management system, as well as the energy management system.


Inorganic pigments of the IPG business unit with the products Bayferrox, Bayoxide and Colortherm

LANXESS expands Scopeblue portfolio: New micronized yellow pigments with a reduced carbon footprint

February 05, 2025
Glass globe on meadow

LANXESS honored as a climate pioneer

January 09, 2025

LANXESS receives excellent sustainability ratings

January 07, 2025