Stakeholder Dialogue
Engaging with stakeholders is essential for our company because it helps us gain valuable insights, enabling us to make informed decisions and stay competitive, directly contributing to our business growth and sustainability.
LANXESS has a variety of relevant stakeholders, such as groups, institutions or individuals with whom we have a direct or indirect business relationship. These stakeholders have an interest in our company’s actions. Our most important stakeholders, with whom we tend to engage most often, include employees customers, capital market representatives, suppliers, the media, neighbors of our sites, politicians and public authorities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
We engage in constant exchange with all these groups, the most important dialog forums and formats can be seen in the overview below.
Stakeholder Surveys
Surveys can provide valuable, direct insights into sustainability by revealing the priorities, concerns, and expectations of our stakeholders.
We conducted our most recent stakeholder survey at the end of 2023 - beginning of 2024. By taking into account the feedback from a customer survey conducted at the same time, we received feedback from around 1,000 stakeholders in total. We covered all relevant stakeholder groups and gained valuable insights into the impacts of our business activities across the entire value chain.
Another pleasing finding was that all stakeholders surveyed rated us as a sustainable or very sustainable acting company. There was also great interest in sustainable solutions from LANXESS. This gives us an extra motivational boost to continue our work on sustainability issues on an ongoing basis.

LANXESS hosts periodic roundtable events with relevant stakeholders to discuss specific sustainability issues. These Stakeholder Roundtable events, which include representatives from politics, science, business and environmental organizations, the focus is on dialogue and engagement, with the intention to inspire all participants to harmonize ecology and business.
What should we consider about sustainable concepts and measures in practice? How can these results be used concretely for our company? And how can we successfully position ourselves with sustainability? We want to find the answers together with our stakeholders.
Public Affairs
On the political stage, we conduct an open dialogue with government representatives and authorities: We want to actively engage these officials on topics such as environmentally-friendly product and process innovations, the development of raw materials and energy markets, as well as labor market and education policy issues.

Dialogue with political target groups
Priorities of political work
Engagement with communities and people who live in the immediate vicinity of our sites is another important element of our stakeholder communication. For example, the Chempunkt offices in Leverkusen, Dormagen and Krefeld-Uerdingen offer all interested parties the opportunity to talk to us about topics relating to the Chemparks. Some facilities have structured Community Advisory Panels (CAPs) who meet regularly to discuss operations and ways to improve.
We present our contributions and expenses in the area of political activities in a transparent manner - our contributions are listed in the table on this page. We participate in the most important industry associations, which we regard as the basis of our representation of interests. LANXESS does not provide financial support to political groups or parties.
Political Activities
Many political issues have an influence on LANXESS. Our page on political communication provides an overview of positions regarding the various initiatives. See more