"LANXESS and the SDGs"
Thinking chemistry sustainably
How LANXESS can contribute to the consistent implementation of the Sustainable Development GoalsThe 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations General Assembly have one overarching goal: to make the earth a better place for all people. But as a company in the chemical industry, how does LANXESS respond to the challenges anchored in the SDGs? How closely are corporate priorities linked to development goals? And where can LANXESS products help to achieve these goals? The "LANXESS and the SDGs" roundtable provided answers, suggestions and a new perspective.
On December 5, 2018, numerous representatives from institutions, associations, universities and the capital market met with experts from various LANXESS business units in the LANXESS Tower for an open exchange of ideas.
Present ideas, discuss standpoints and formulate messages: The Stakeholder Roundtable once again brought interested and competent people together to find out how LANXESS' corporate activities are perceived by society, academia and the financial community. The forum is also an opportunity to discuss what external wishes, expectations and demands are placed on us and the chemical industry as a whole.

The dimension of the SDGs is impressively large - and creates guard rails for the future of a society that will be shaped by globalization. Under the five key themes of People, Earth, Prosperity, Peace and Partnerships, a total of 17 Global Goals and their 169 sub-goals are assembled - divided into 107 substantive objectives and 62 implementation measures.
In an open exchange, scientists, experts and executives presented and discussed how, from their point of view, the world must change, while nothing how people and companies can assume responsibility in the sense of the SDGs.
The exciting program of the LANXESS Roundtable included numerous keynote speeches and presentations. These made it clear that changes and constructive foresight are required when implementing the SDG. The unanimous opinion of all participants was that companies must assume responsibility - even without a legal obligation. This requirement stems from the self-image of a responsible company, including LANXESS as a global player.

An internal LANXESS analysis became the starting point for stimulating feedback from the participants. For a long time now, we have been dealing with an important issue in the course of the Sustainable Development Goals: How can a global chemical supplier contribute to the implementation of the SDGs and make concrete contributions?
A LANXESS team made up of experts from various business units presented the participants with a new tool in the form of the SDG matrix. For the first time, it was possible to compare the main corporate issues with the SDGs and document a comprehensive evaluation of global activities. The focus here was not so much on the absolute scope of the measures as it was on the structural clarification of the overall process - making it possible to provide intensive support for further development.
The analysis focused on reducing complexity and identifying docking points for LANXESS in the area of corporate responsibility, specifically visualizing and analyzing within the "compliance with SDGs" and "intensity of measures" dimensions.
The many constructive contributions were as colorful as the picture painted live during the event with quotations, catchwords, pictures and impressions. The subsequent discussion focused on finding out what suggestions and concrete starting points the external view of LANXESS topics provides to those who are responsible.
The SDG analysis in the form of a matrix met with great approval, as did the strategic consideration of the individual topic areas. In summary, the participants identified three core areas to represent the different social groups:
Authentic communication - no euphemisms and no project promises, but a clear definition of the current situation
Transparency - insight into the implementation measures in order to be able to track developments
Balance in the representation - what has been achieved and what has yet to be delivered
The prioritized the most important SDGs - in general, calling for a standardized industry approach to the issues. In addition, the participants formulated clear, further-reaching recommendations on the SDG concept, focusing on the areas of globalization and communication. The group also discussed the inclusion of the worldwide locations in a common, coherent concept, as well as the desire for open communication, which also names negative influences and "open construction sites".

In the concluding block of the roundtable, a concrete project example was used to discuss how customer requirements, digitization and changes in global markets affect the development of chemistry. The discussion was based on an exciting presentation on a concrete project from the Leather business unit. The BU presented on a pilot project, developed in close cooperation with a research institute, using a completely new technology for the recycling of residues in leather production.
By the construction of a modular plant structure, a production on site is possible. In addition to vegetable biomass, the main raw materials used in processing are collagen-containing shavings and cuttings. From these, the retanning materials of the "X-Biomer" brand can be produced and reused directly at the leather tannery. Under the title "Resource-efficient production of leather chemicals" (ReeL), the LANXESS Leather Business Unit has already built a fully-operational pilot plant in cooperation with the Leverkusen research institute INVITE.
This innovative approach - directly contributing to SDG No. 12: Responsible Consumption and Production - triggered lively discussions. The question of the future of chemistry was therefore raised: modular, digital and/or circular?
The participants examined the topic from very different perspectives. New business models, the redesign of material flows and cycles, but also considering social and temporal aspects.

The roundtable participants agreed that the format was a success. In particular, participants emphasized the transparent communication among the group, the diverse staffing of the participant field and the wide-ranging involvement of specialist managers. The professional moderation and methodology rounded off the very positive impression.
All participants agreed that this fruitful discourse should be continued – also agreeing to include additional representatives from civil society and politics. For LANXESS, this was a successful event that provided many exciting recommendations and suggestions for the design of the SDG concepts.
Sebastian Röhrig, Head of Corporate Responsibility at LANXESS, is highly satisfied with the result: "We want to make further significant progress on our key issues in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and thus support Agenda 2030. The feedback from the participants helps us tremendously. We look forward to the next roundtable."