Butterfly change Chrysalis

Employee development and talent management

Only by constantly investing in training our employees and imparting clear, globally binding values and standards can we as a company keep on using the opportunities of changing markets successfully.
Leadership and HR development tools

Wide-ranging leadership and HR development tools enable and motivate our employees to act on the basis of our values, rethink issues, implement them quickly and devise solutions in a team. We also provide additional opportunities to best support our managers and employees in economically challenging times, for example through

  • social learning and dialog formats,
  • team workshops and
  • digital learning.

Strategic manager development

Strategic manager development also plays a central role. Our development programs promote the key skills that managers need in a constantly changing business world. We provide both in-person and virtual management development programs, as this hybrid format ensures an optimum combination of effective training and flexibility, with a mix of face-to-face contact and digital learning.

Our aim is
  • to embed our leadership principles more deeply worldwide
  • and to strengthen our leadership culture.
Depending on the experience of the participants, basic leadership techniques are conveyed, refreshed and translated into individual measures. Since management practice differs depending on the country and cultural environment, our training programs also take cultural differences into account and include the requirements of digital management.
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Global Talent Programs

With our global, cross-divisional and cross-hierarchical “compass” and “eXplorer” talent programs, we support particularly high-performing employees, retain them within the company and identify suitable successors for key positions at an early stage. 

“Compass” for employees at the start of their career offers guidance for their future career path. The format encourages practical development measures. The core element is a Development Center.

“eXplorer” is aimed at employees who have the potential to develop toward major leadership roles at LANXESS in the next few years. Key topics include:

  • dealing with complexity,
  • new forms of collaboration and
  • digital and agile leadership principles.

Sebastian Röhrig

Head of Corporate Responsibility

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