Elimination of critical substances
Within this roadmap process, we check whether the critical substances in the respective products can be replaced by a safer alternative. For the substitution, we focus on innovating safe and sustainable alternatives. Therefore, we do not switch to other substances, which from an expert view might have comparable hazardous properties but have not been restricted yet.
If a replacement by a safe alternative is not possible, and if according to our scientists or regulatory bodies, the concerns or risks are beyond reasonable levels, we will phase out the substances. If critical substances in essential uses cannot be replaced, we will implement risk mitigating measures based on scientifically acceptable levels. Examples for phase out decisions can be found below:
In 2022, LANXESS discontinued the production of Genitron blowing agents based on azodicarbonamides (ADCA), which are used in polymer foams. ADCA was classified as a "substance of very high concern (SVHC)" due to its respiratory sensitising properties.
C,C'-azodi(formamide) is also an active ingredient of our product RHENOFIT EC(ADC), which is used as a blowing agent for rubber foams.C,C'-azodi(formamide) has been identified as a substance of very high concern due to its respiratory sensitizing properties. In 2023, we developed the substitute Rhenofit EC (OBSH) based on phosphorus p-oxybis(benzenesulfonyl)hydrazide which has a more environmentally friendly profile and does not show respiratory sensitizing properties.