Notifications of violations
SpeakUp® is available by phone or online, 24/7, in over 30 languages. The information is transmitted to our compliance department in encrypted form. All reports are investigated and, if necessary, appropriate action is taken in cooperation with the responsible departments. The reporting party and the employees affected by a report remain confidential.
LANXESS business partners can also contact the Compliance Organization, and may report violations of the LANXESS Code of Conduct or other misconduct on the part of LANXESS.
The reporting channels for your country can be found on the SpeakUp website. You can report violations in a secure and anonymous way by phone or in writing:
The above-mentioned contact channel can be used to report complaints about potential misconduct, violations of legal provisions, internationally recognised principles, LANXESS’ guidelines such as our Code of Conduct or other internal LANXESS regulations. You can also report concerns relating to
- human rights,
- environmental rights,
- health and safety,
- occupational and plant safety,
- product safety,
- export controls,
- money laundering regulations,
- antitrust law,
- corruption and bribery,
- data protection and information protection.
You can also report potential violations by direct or indirect business partners of LANXESS.